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Nothing in this website is intended to be representation or warranty and Shaftesbury Casino exclude liability to the full extent permitted by law for any loss or damage arising in any way from the contents of this site.
Shaftesbury Casino has taken all reasonable care in the preparation of information displayed on this web site to ensure that it is accurate but it is intended for guidance only and visitors to the web site should always verify information given on the site before placing any reliance on it.
To play any of our games at Shaftesbury Casino, you must be aged 18 or over. We operate a Think 25 policy and will require ID to verify your age.
Gambling can be a great way to unwind and have fun, but we encourage our patrons to think before they place their bets. If you believe your gambling habits may be getting out of hand and want advice on how to moderate your gambling, please explore the range of resources listed below.